Competitor website
Competitor website

competitor website

This will help you optimize your web content for better performance across all devices. Open the Audience tab and click Mobile and Overview to discover the percentage of your consumers using mobile devices. Mobile Device Usage: Use Google Analytics to track screen resolutions, devices, and browsers your website’s visitors use.Other traffic sources: How many visitors come from social media sites like Facebook and YouTube, as well as referral traffic (visitors clicking on a link to your website from another website).Organic search traffic: The number of users who visited your website from a search result on Google or other search engines.Pageviews: The number of times your web pages have been viewed over a given period.For example, a user who visits multiple times throughout the day is counted as a single unique visitor. Unique Visitors: refers to the number of individual users who visited a website or collection of web pages during a specified period.Traffic analytics tools tell you how many visitors you have, where they’re coming from, and how they interact with your content.īut what other data should you pay attention to? Analyzing your website’s traffic: what to checkĪlthough Google Analytics is the number one tool for analyzing your site’s traffic, you can pick from various free and paid traffic monitoring tools.

Competitor website